Goan Catholic Roce Ceremony

As the bride closed her eyes and looked towards the altar, she joined her hands in prayer. She prayed and prayed… Prayed for a happy married life, a life filled with joy, happiness and good health. The chuddo in the hands profoundly pronounced that she was the bride. The Bride that would be sitting for the roce ceremony today.
Roce Ceremony is a tradition that is been taking place from ages in Goa. It is a tradition where the bridal couple is poured with the juice of the coconut water. The fresh coconut water is poured on the bride and groom to bless them and request God for their happy married life. Usually, the roce takes place at the brides and the groom’s place respectively, in the presence of close relatives, friends and neighbours. 
Simultaneously, as the roce took place the elderly ladies in the house started singing, “Tambde roza tujhe polle………” (Konkani song)

This is a photograph of a recent roce ceremony which was held at Moira. It was as amazing as it could be… The beautiful bride was showered with plenty blessings from relatives, friends and neighbours.
We wish Elle and her husband, a wedding filled with lots of love and happiness. God Bless you’ll and I’m looking forward to document the rest of your important events in your life.

Love, Alisha Fernandes Photography


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