
Showing posts from June, 2013
Photo courtesy: Alisha Fernandes

The innocence of a Young Child


Clouds ---- at it's best ^_^

Photo credit : Alisha Fernandes


People say, a daughter is always close to her father. Well, in my case too this is very true. My daddy is the best father, an ever smiling person; a person can lighten up the moment by cracking a joke. Daddy, you’re very special, you have been there like a stronger pillar, guiding me and saving me through all the fury of life. You have given, almost your entire life to work abroad so that I don’t have any problem in life. As a young daughter, I remember that I kept getting angry on you as you never attended most of my birthdays, it was only now that I realized, more than me you were very sad as you could make it.   But still since you weren’t here you always made it a point to send me a card through post and call me up. Seriously, having a father like you is like a dream come true. You have always been there, supporting me in almost everything I wanted to do in life, be it with regard to travelling alone outside Goa or be it with regard to my career. You were always there

Hong Kong Disneyland --- Live it, Love it

Yes, Live it, Love it. That’s the motto, which is used by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, to promote tourism in their country. Earlier, this place was just known as a simple fishing village but today it’s counted as one of the leading cosmopolitan cities in the world, harboring roughly over 7 million people. Since 1 st July 1997, Hong Kong is the special administrative region of China. It is still a place where ancient traditions are thrived with ultra modern cultural ethics. It has busy market streets to modern skyscrapers and historic heritage. The most famous and popular tourist attraction is the Hong Kong Disneyland. A wondrous world of exciting and enchanting Disney characters, where once a upon a time was now. The thrill of imaginary characters coming into reality and a place where 3D films are portrayed the best. The place where one can create amazing memories, that’s surely going to last forever. The Disneyland is divided into Four Sections: Main Street, U.S.A; Fantasy
Photo credits: Alisha Fernandes
Rains in Goa Photo credit : Alisha Fernandes
Our Lady of Fatima Photo credit : Alisha Fernandes

Say no to violence against Women and Girl Child….

We live in the 21 st century; despite the fact that we live in a multiethnic democracy; our country still faces a lot of problems which cannot be solved till now. A flip side to the coin would help us to realize that it is this very country which has recorded a large number of cases of rapes, murder for dowry and sexual assault against women, this year. Why is this happening? Where are we heading? Everyday there are more than two sexual assault, rape or murder cases against women registered in the country. Is this because we live in a male dominant country? Its quiet disheartening despite the frequent attempts, one cannot put an end to such crimes. Though, after the Delhi gang rape, the country came together and decided to put an end to such crimes but no just few days after this case another rape case was witnessed again in the capital of the country. Ofcourse, it is disheartening to hear such things on television and read on newspaper. I was reading a few allegations ma