Say no to violence against Women and Girl Child….

We live in the 21st century; despite the fact that we live in a multiethnic democracy; our country still faces a lot of problems which cannot be solved till now. A flip side to the coin would help us to realize that it is this very country which has recorded a large number of cases of rapes, murder for dowry and sexual assault against women, this year. Why is this happening? Where are we heading?
Everyday there are more than two sexual assault, rape or murder cases against women registered in the country. Is this because we live in a male dominant country? Its quiet disheartening despite the frequent attempts, one cannot put an end to such crimes.
Though, after the Delhi gang rape, the country came together and decided to put an end to such crimes but no just few days after this case another rape case was witnessed again in the capital of the country. Ofcourse, it is disheartening to hear such things on television and read on newspaper.
I was reading a few allegations made against girls stating that girl should dress properly, if this is the case than why are young children being raped and sexually assaulted? Why? The kids don’t even have any idea on this, yet such things are happening. And it’s nothing that I’m making up!! Check any newspaper atleast one rape or a sexual assault case is published on a regular basis.
 And not just this!!!! Murder for dowry, domestic violence, there are more than thousands of women who were and are still victims of such crimes. Most of us think, now that we live in the 21st century, such crimes don’t exist. But no, it must have become less in the urban areas and excluding a few rural areas. There are many other rural areas where this absurd tradition of dowry still prevails and cases of burning women alive for dowry too exist.
A country, which over the years has been know for it’s culture and tradition, has now registered the a large number of crimes against women. Is it that, our country is no longer safe for women? Or is it that our country is too weak to protect women and girl child?
It’s high time that we start creating awareness, to stop and avoid such heinous crimes against women and girl child. Our country has always been known for good things. Let’s keep this status of our country as it is. Raise your voice and stop crime against women, as our country would truly get it’s independence, when women can walk freely at night, on almost any road.
--- Come forward and raise your voice and say no to crime against Women-------


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