Christmassssyyyy Season!!!

Photographer: Alisha Fernandes
Camera : Sony DSC -W120
Christmas is the season of love and understanding. Helping the needy, bringing a smile unto the face of a fellow being, that's what Christmas is all about. 
At the end what Baby Jesus wanted was Loving one another and spreading happiness almost everywhere.
Christmas Tree!!! Well, the tradition of Christmas tree began way back in the 18th century. The Christmas tree signify, the jovial and bright season of Christmas. And hence it is lit with lots of Lights and gifts and bells!! 
I still remember, after the Christmas mass, I would run to the christmas tree and search for my gift, which was given to me by "My Santa Clause -- My Dad" 
I'm sure, you too must have received your Christmas gift under the Christmas tree, atleast once in your lifetime. Well, if not... You never no, Your Christmas Gift maybe still waiting for you under the Christmas Tree.. Go ahead and enjoy opening it.
Merry Christmas Everyone!! 


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