Life is the most beautiful gift...

There are a lot of moments in life, when we think everything is almost over and there’s nothing left. And people take recourse to nothing else but suicide… Yes, suicide. As if suicide, could actually make things right for them. It’s very disheartening to hear, a young boy or a girl commits suicide. Why? Because of low grades, exam pressure or a break up from a long term relationship.
According to the recent statistics, it is stated that a very large number of people, who commit suicide, is none other than teenagers… Where are we heading???  I being a teenager, reading such incidences on the newspaper every single day, leaves me with nothing else but shock. Is suicide the only solution to all the problems? Actually not really, as a teenager we are going through identity crisis, relationship problems, which at times we don’t want to share with our parents. In such cases, there’s someone called counsellor, who is present in every college. A counsellor is somebody you can share your secrets with and receive an appropriate solution for it.
A lot of people, after going through counselling, have felt quite satisfied and happy, and have received a new meaning to life. Rita (the person’s name changed) “I was thinking of ending my life, but after talking to a counselor, I realised life is the most beautiful gift, I’m given to cherish.”  Life is much more than a problem or a trouble. Enjoy it!


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