
Showing posts from 2014

Letter to the Bestie

To a bestie, As the sun shined bright upon everyone, things proceeded at it’s normal pace. But one sudden moment, a thunderstorm led to a huge growl that made the day miserable. I just remembered the opening of “Kuch kuch Hota Hai” where Rahul and Anjali had a huge fight, Where the entire college tried convincing them, “……But she’s your best friend yaar, Oh! But he’s your best friend yaar…” And that they both became friends. Well, it’s funny that this morning as I woke up I thought about this incident and remembered about the fight that I and my friend had. Reason --- a petty issue, exchange of words, angry, tears etc etc. About him: He is one of the most amazing people I met, helpful, crazy, a soon to be filmmaker… He often wanted me to write something about him, but well I never really did so. I guess, it’s because I never felt like, as he was always just a phone call away. People say that “You write one of your best articles when you’re sad.” May be tha

Off Season Monsoon


The True “Flying Sikh” of India

Movie name: Bhaag Milkha Bhaag Cast: Farhan Akhtar, Pavan Malhotra, Sonam Kapoor, Prakash Raj, Divya Dutta, Art Malik, Yograj Singh Director: Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra Ratings: 4/5 Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra does it once again!! The movie revolves around the flying Sikh of India, Milkha Singh. The movie portrays his struggle from an ordinary boy to the famous athlete of the country. It also highlights about the instances from his shrilly past. At a very young age, he was forcefully brought to India during the partition. Since then, he was survived by his sister. The movie also touched upon various aspects of Milkha’s personal life, be it his love life with Biru, or his die heart friendship with --- or be it his determination to win 400m race. The movie begins as Milkha Sing walks into Rome 1960 Olympic Stadium for the 400m finals. The gripping background score by Shankar- Ehsaan- Loy along with the cheers from the crowd was enough to give one goose bums. Though the script

A Day in Shutter

Movie name:  Shutter Cast: Lal, Vinay Directed: Joy Mathew Ratings: 3.5 / 5 stars The movie SHUTTER is a Indian Malayalam thriller film   and was released in the year of 2012. The movie was screened at 44 th International Film Festival of India 2013 at Goa. The movie showcases the life events of Rasheed, a gulf returnee who’s happily married and has two daughters. However, under the influence of his friends he decides to spend a night with a prostitute. Besides them, it was just Sura, Rasheed’s friend and an auto driver who knew about this.As there were no hotels available. Sura suggested them to hook up in his shop. While going out to buy food for the two of them, he pulls the shop’s shutter down and locks it. This is how they get into the Shutter. On the other side as Sura couldn’t open the shutter as he gets arrested for a ‘drink and drive’ case. During their course of stay in the shop, Rasheed begins to feel guilty of betraying his wife and children. Joy Mat

Retro Time in Goa...

Goa is all set to groove in the retro mood for the upcoming 45th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in the state. The work in the capital has begun in full swing with this time the theme for the decor being based on 70s retro film era. It's truly amazing to see that the streets in the capital city and the surrounding areas lit up and painted, thus enhancing it’s beauty.  Also, life size cut outs at vantage points, are the key attractions of the decor. It's also, incredible to see the spirit of the state as preparations are in full swing for the warm welcome of the dignitaries and the delegates for this 10 day long film festival which will commence on 20th November. The fest would screen 179 films from 75 countries across different categories which include World Cinema (61 films), Masterstrokes (11 films), Festival Kaleidoscope (20 films), Soul of Asia (7 films), Documentaries (6 films), and Animated Films (6 films). Besides, the Indian Panorama section wo
The sunrays in the pond.. <3

Innocence!! C.I.D Special

Junior ACP: Daya pata lago!!! ;)

The season I love the most!!!

Refreshing and peaceful

Yay!! I'm turning one!!!

St. Jerome's Church --- Early Morning Mass 
A child enjoying sunday morning walk with his grandfather.

Weddings Special


Rains in Goa


Multi Cam Shoot

Today was our first official TV Production practicals.. And guess what, we got a chance to do a multi cam shoot. Yes!! A multi cam shoot.. I know the term, "Multi cam shoot" sounds interesting but it's not just the term. The entire set up, pre-production, production stage- handling cameras, giving commands from the PCR (Production Control Room), Doing the online switching, anchoring.. Everything seem so much fun as we all were doing it for the first time. Obviously, any amateur would be scared to do this but as we are media students, we knew the basics of camera.. And regarding production assistants work, recently I did my internship at Prudent Media (Goa's Best Local News Channel). Thanx to that, I understood how studio productions works, how switching between cameras takes place, etc. So, yes we were altogether seven in a group and each one of us had to rotate our duties, so that all of us had the opportunities to do all the  duties, i.e right from studio floor m
"If you settle for just anything, you’ll never know what you’re truly worthy of."

Miss you Uncle

It was a bright sunny afternoon, when I was sitting in the park admiring the beauty of nature, The beautiful greenery, the sound of the birds chirruping, children playing, When suddenly, my attention was caught by a young child who came to the park along with her uncle on a Avaitar… And this instantly took me back in time when I was a kid… I actually remembered the time, I spent with my uncle… Yes, My Uncle --- the most jovial person and by himself an inspiration to many. He was very popular among people of all the ages… His favourite ride was his bike, the Avaitar..!! Where he travelled anywhere and everywhere and enjoyed every moment on it!! As a kid, I was very fond of him; actually I still adore him… I think his great sense of humour and amazing persona was the reason why everyone instantly got along with him… We had several things in common; I still remember, he was the first person who taught me, how to handle a camera, And yes!! If today, I clic

Feel Stylish always!!

Dressing is a way of life -- Yves Saint Laurent

Beauty at it's best!!

Fashion is about dressing according to what's fashionable.  Style is more about being yourself ---  Oscar de la Renta

Childhood Memories...

“Memories of childhood were the dreams that stayed with you after you woke.”  ―  Julian Barnes ,  England, England

Father's Day Special

A selfless person, who works hard every single day to give his family a better standard of living. He is someone who works without appreciation, No matter how bad was his day at work; when he comes back home A hug from his child makes everything alright. When it comes to playing with kids, He becomes a kid himself and enjoys every moment with them. A Daughter’s King and a Son’s Best Buddy; He knows exactly, what his kid requires the most. Yes!! For some he is Dad, Appa, Daddy, Dada or Baba, But at the end of it, no matter what you call him He is an eternal inspiration to you --- Your Dad Admire him, and adore him for taking so much trouble Remember, today if you are able to stand and talk to the world It is because of your Father, who sat down with you And taught you the basic Alphabets… Come on!! Make this day Special for your Dad – Make him feel he is the best dad!! Because he deserves a lot more than just a picture on your facebook or what

Monsoon arrives in Goa!!


Happy Feast of St. Anthony!!!


Don’t be afraid, I’ll be with you!!!

Recently, I went for a family picnic to a Northern Beach in Goa!! Summer is truly, the perfect time to go to the Beaches and enjoy yourself!! Well, as I was busy clicking some candid pictures of my family members… A voice diverted my attention; two young sisters were having a conversation… The younger one was afraid to go into the water, while the elder one tried convincing her but she wouldn't listen… Atlast, the elder one caught the younger one’s hand and told her, “Don’t be afraid, I’ll be with you!!”  And the Younger one looked at the elder one and said, “You better hold my hand!!” And as they walk pass me!! I captured this wonderful picture of so much love between these two siblings…

Mama… Find me if you can!!

Childhood is the best time of one's life...

Enjoy every moment!!

Life has a lot to give than to take..!! 

Would things still be the way they were?

It was late midnight, for a wonder I was awake in my dark room… (Something quite rare...) As I gazed to the endless road through my window, I saw the streetlight flickering which slowly drifted me away - in my thoughts process… I just strayed and strayed as a fat drop of tear fell from my eye… That night was calm, but I knew that this calmness was signifying the coming of a great blizzard. I knew that, this night might change everything forever as I hurt a friend who was really close to me… As I sat down on my bed in the dark room, my mobile phone acted as the only source of light in the entire house… I held the phone in my hand and began wondering, have I lost this amazing friend?? And at that very moment, another tear rolled down from my eye… I tried lying down on my soft cushioned bed, but boy!!! I didn’t feel asleep… I kept my phone on my side table, got my blanket over me and tried closing my eyes… The ambience sound of the clock and fan was the only

Can a Boy and Girl be friends?

Well, the concept of a Boy and a  Girl  being friends is an age old myth. Some feel they can while others feel they can’t… Okiew, Let’s get started with my bit of talking and then maybe we could come to a conclusion! Well, it is rightly said, at times it takes ages to mix with another person while sometimes it’s just matter of  seconds.. Recently, I met an amazing friend, who mixed up immediately for some obvious reason… One of which was Photography… We both clicked a similar picture of the sky and I think that’s how we became friends… I know, that sounds crazy… But Come on, at times, you don’t really require a reason to become a friend… You become friends --- JUST LIKE THAT…! That’s exactly what happened to us… :D The best part about having him as a friend is, his always there for you… Be it, if you call him up at midnight or for that matter just to drop you home.. His always there, come what may!!! He loves calls me with weird names, just because he doesn

"Bye Didi...."

As I walked towards the bus stop, I admired the beautiful canvas of God – the sky Where the Sun tried playing hide and seek; it tried peeping out of the cloud, But when I looked at the sky, it hid itself behind the clouds. There was something special about that day; which I didn’t understand at the start… As I got to the bus stop and boarded a bus. I got a seat right beside a lady, who had her young son sitting on her lap.. He had a smart haircut; his clothes were faded but were neat. As I looked at him, he was busy playing with two bands in his hand. The bus kept moving to the next stop… (People who know me, would agree, how much I love talking and so…) I said Hello to him… And asked him for his name.. His mother replied, “Prasad...”   taking great pride while saying it. His mother told him to call me “Didi...” But he just looked at me, began playing with those bands. So I happened to ask him for one of those, And the lil boy was kind enough t
Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul. --  Luther Burbank

A smile makes a difference

True Happiness is found only when you share it with others.

Uncertain Fate

Well, we all love to hear love stories… Some finish on a happy note while the others… hmmm… they’re fate remains uncertain…!! Here’s a small story about this beautiful couple.… Once upon a time, there lived a smart, dashing, handsome boy who met a beautiful, crazy, bubbly girl… Their story began in a firm; he was working and she was interning.. Everything began with a simple hello, which was soon converted into hi- fives.. They exchanged their numbers… And began chatting, all day – all night… As the days passed, their feelings for each other grew deeper and deeper. Their relationship reached to such a stage, where  communication no longer required words… Their eyes did most of the talking… The definition of happiness changed; the couple found the entire world in one another. They took care of one and another, just like they would take care of themselves. They pretended to be happy in each other’s absence but boy! They couldn’t… Their life took a gr

Rise above all...

Every moment that I fall, I will rise higher and much higher. 

Duler Church, Mapusa


Live and let live


Holi hai...

Hello friends! Sorry for being so irregular with the posts!! Here's a picture clicked during the Indian Festival of Holi --- The festival of Colors..
Camera Model: Canon 550d Photo Credit: Alisha Fernandes I think that with any emotion - fear, love, nervousness - if the actor's feeling it, then the audience feels it. --  Jessica Chastain

The Pattern of the leaf...

Camera Model: Canon 110od Photo Credit: Alisha Fernandes Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain. ---  Henry David Thoreau.

Truth lies in one's eyes...

Model: Shraddha Kelkar Camera : Canon 550d Photographer : Alisha Fernandes I remember in my childhood days, whenever I lied or ate too many chocolates, my Grandma (Mai) would catch me at once. And I often used to wonder, how would she actually come to know!! Her reply at that time, kept me baffled.. But today, I truly understand what exactly, she meant.  She often said that, Eyes are true mirrors of a person's personality. Whatsoever happens the eyes never lie.. Though you may say a lot of things in your life. But in reality, it's just your eyes that speaks more than your mouth.  One just needs a time off to admire and understand, what exactly those eyes want to say to you.. Eyes has a lot to express: Happiness, Sadness and most importantly the truth of one's life.